Estonian Fund for Nature: Help us preserve Estonia’s nature!
How does your donation help?Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?
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How does your donation help?
How can your donation help?
The Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) protects Estonia’s nature. Nature survives if it is protected as an ecosystem. That’s why we protect nature by building on ecology – the science of species and their habitats. The ELF team includes both species and habitat experts as well as people who study the causes of environmental problems.
The ELF believes that in order to protect nature, everyone must be given the opportunity to get involved in nature conservation, to come and help, to learn, to enjoy nature and to pass on this feeling to others. People can and know how to act in nature in a way that does not harm the habitat and other species. One way to protect nature and preserve the environment is to donate.
By donating to the ELF, you support our everyday work in the protection of nature. It can be ancient forests, wooded meadows, the Baltic Sea or something else. Donations will help us really dig in and work with our good volunteers to restore and maintain various natural habitats – from meadows in danger of destruction to damaged wetlands or the wellbeing of rare native forest species. You too can be a protector of nature by donating.
The ELF is included on the list of non-profit organisations eligible for income tax incentives. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.