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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 173 561 €
From donators 3 663 127 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals: let’s help Estonian animals together

Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals: let’s help Estonian animals together

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
19 700.73 €
901 donations
30 000.00 €

Donate money

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

We will use your donation to improve the quality of life of animals by helping animals directly, raising public awareness, advising and training people, participating in legislative drafting and supervising the protection of animals.

What do we do?

Supervision of the protection of animals – we run an information line where you can report an animal in need or ask for advice; we inspect and try to improve the conditions in which pets and farm animals are kept in cooperation with pet owners and officials; we help people cope with pets who have behavioural problems. The goal is to reduce the number of homeless, stray and abandoned animals.

Direct assistance – animals that have been abandoned and/or are in distress need our help with transport, medical bills, temporary homes and food; we help solve the problem of cat colonies by sterilising, neutering and finding homes for them; we take in animals that are victims of domestic violence; we help Ukrainian animals with medical treatment, food and more.

Training and informing people – we organise campaigns, events, media coverage, training, seminars and conferences. The goal is to raise awareness and develop both the culture of keeping pets and the wider field of animal protection in Estonia.

Participation in legislative drafting – we propose changes to laws to improve the situation of animals and participate in round tables and have a say when laws are changed. The goal is to ensure that laws are changed to ensure the welfare of animals.

What can we do with €5, €10 or €25?

A donation of €5 helps pay for one of these activities:

  • An information campaign on social media, where up to 1600 people can be reached
  • The cost of the materials of one training course

A donation of €10 helps pay for one of these activities:

  • An information campaign on social media, where up to 3300 people can be reached
  • The cost of the materials of two training courses
  • The costs of 1-3 inspection visits
  • The microchipping of one animal

A donation of €25 helps pay for one of these activities:

  • An information campaign on social media, where up to 5100 people can be reached
  • The costs of two training courses
  • The cost of the information for one day
  • The costs of 4-6 inspection visits
  • Vaccination of one animal
  • Anti-parasitical treatment for one animal
  • FIV/FeLV tests of one cat
  • Food for one animal for a month

The organisation is included on the list of non-profit organisations eligible for income tax incentives. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.

For more information see: and
