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Together we have raised
5 184 653 €
From donators 3 674 219 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
NGO Loomus project "I Am on the Side of Animals"

NGO Loomus project "I Am on the Side of Animals"

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
14 295.40 €
455 donations
15 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

The aim of animal advocacy organization Loomus is to make both Estonian and the world in general more animal-friendly. Loomus focuses on animals used in the fashion industry, entertainment, beauty industry and agriculture.

The principal activities of Loomus include awareness-raising, lobbying and participation in legislative initiatives, organisation of events, cooperation with foreign organisations, representing Estonia in international associations, and developing the field of animal protection.

Using wild animals in entertainment, including circuses, was banned in 2017 thanks to Loomus and animal rights movement Loomade Nimel which joined with Loomus some years ago. It was a historic victory for animals. When Loomus was founded, one of the main goals was to ban fur farming in Estonia. After years of hard work we finally had a reason to celebrate in June 2021 when Estonia became the first Baltic country to ban fur farms.

Every victory has its price. Behind every victory, there are hundreds, if not thousands, working hours. This hasn’t stopped us so far and won’t stop us in the future either. We cannot put a price tag on the suffering of animals. We cannot say that the prevention of suffering is not worth so many working hours or other resources. Every challenge we conquer prevents a lot of suffering and makes the world a better place. It makes us eager to work harder to protect even more animals.

Loomus values rising animal-friendly thinking, behaviour and consumption, therefore we have launched a vegan program Taimsed Valikud (Plant-based Options), animal rights podcast Loomade Hääl (Voice of Animals), campaign Armas Kala (Dear Fish), animal-friendly beauty working group LILU (Animal-friendly Beauty) and we also organize international animal rights conference.

  • For 5 € we can spread animal-friendly messages on social media.
  • For 10 € we can publish and distribute information materials, leaflets and stickers with animal-friendly messages. We can also organize lectures and events to discuss topics related to animal rights for our volunteers.
  • For 25 € we can participate in workshops, publish one podcast episode and organize and participate in public events.
  • For 50 € we can pay membership fees of international organizations and support Foxes Taika and Viima who live in Tuulispää sanctuary.

Every donation is an important step towards a more animal-friendly society.

The organisation is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.
