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I Love to Help
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5 183 989 €
From donators 3 673 555 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer - Help a child with cancer get better!

Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer - Help a child with cancer get better!

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
70 184.87 €
2379 donations
75 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

Being diagnosed with cancer is a traumatic experience for both the child and the entire family. Cancer treatment tends to take a very long time and often requires total commitment from at least one of the parents. This is why many families need advice and support to cope with the condition and treatment of their child. Based on members of our association and experts, we have created a support centre and support network for children with cancer and their families to provide:

  • families with experiential counselling and support;
  • psychological counselling;
  • activity and art therapies during hospitalisation;
  • compensation for transportation costs if treatment is provided outside of Estonia;
  • support for grieving parents;
  • supportive communal activities (therapy workshops, lectures and meetings for parents and joint events for children in hospital).

The Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer was established in 1992 to support all families in Estonia that have or have had a child diagnosed with cancer.

Donate €5 – support the work of creative therapists in the haematology and oncology departments in Tallinn and Tartu (every 5 euros pays for 15 minutes of creative therapy in a hospital).

Donate €10 – give a child with cancer and their family access to the service of a psychologist or another professional in order to enable a parent to maximise their contribution to their child’s treatment (every 10 euros pays for 30 minutes of therapeutic counselling).

Donate €25 – support the treatment of multiple children by helping to deliver urgent test samples (by 24-hour special transport) to Finnish or Danish labs for tests, which cannot be performed in Estonia.

The organization is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations and the donors will get back the income tax paid from their donation and the donations made by companies are tax-free (Estonian Income Tax Act § 49). Read more about taxes: Donating and taxes.

Metallica donates to children with cancer!


Who would think that the rock band Metallica would choose children with cancer as their charity? But it’s true! Metallica donates a portion of ticket sales to a local charity in every city they perform, encouraging fans around the world to join both Metallica and All Within My Hands (AWMH) in giving back. During the Metallica WorldWired Tour 2019 in Tartu, the band has surprisingly donated a part of the ticket sales to the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer.

The representatives of our association Kaili Lellep (Chair of the Management board of the EAPCC), Merlin Bettler and Reimo Möll (members of EAPCC and volunteers) had the unique opportunity to meet the band members shortly before the show on 18 July and receive the charity check directly from the band – this was a moment which will be captured to the history by the charity organization All Within My Hands and also into the memories of the representatives of the EAPCC.

Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer is extremely thankful that such a famous and significant band values our activity and appreciates it with their donation. Chair of the Management Board of EAPCC Kaili Lellep said that “We are honored to have a such a remarkable attention by such a famous rock band and we promise to use every donated euro directly to benefit the children with cancer, who need the treatment or help urgently.” Lellep added that “Metallica’s choice to give a donation to our association came as a very big surprise as you should not expect that world-famous rock band would target their charity activities to children with cancer.”

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Metallica!”, she said.

Thank you Live Nation Estonia whose proposal it was to donate to us!

And big THANK YOU Metallica and All Within My Hands!

Metallica WorlWired Tour Raadi 18.07.2019
