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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 173 561 €
From donators 3 663 127 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
My Dream Day “Dreams are magic!”

My Dream Day “Dreams are magic!”

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
32 691.00 €
1757 donations
34 200.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

Our goal is to make the dreams of hospitalised children come true – we want to give them the chance to dream about something extraordinary when forced to spend long days in hospital while receiving exhausting treatment. We also organise fun family events so that children could have fun and spend quality time with their close ones.

Your donations will help us organise wonderful events for seriously ill children and their families. My Dream Day cooperates with Tallinn Children’s Hospital, Tartu Children’s Clinic, Narva Hospital, Kohtla-Järve Hospital and many other patients’ associations.

My Dream Day is a charity organisation created in 2011 that operates on the basis of donations and with the help of volunteers. The volunteers help make the dreams of seriously ill children come true to bring some joy and sparkle into the lives of these kids and their loved ones – they really do need it. Dreams can work wonders!

Our goal for 2017 is to collect 4,000 euros in order to organise events for severely our chronically ill children, incl. individual days, family days and group events in hospitals.

The organization is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations and the donors will get back the income tax paid from their donation and the donations made by companies are tax-free (Estonian Income Tax Act § 49). Read more about taxes: Donating and taxes.
