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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 173 561 €
From donators 3 663 127 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
Birth and Breastfeeding Support Society “Let’s help more children get mother’s milk!”

Birth and Breastfeeding Support Society “Let’s help more children get mother’s milk!”

How does your donation help?

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Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
4 682.50 €
205 donations
6 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

NGO Birth and Breastfeeding Support Society works on ensuring breastfeeding for as many babies as possible. Our services include advising families in their homes, developing a breastfeeding helpline, creating new Estonian- and Russian-language support groups across the country and training new breastfeeding counsellors. Our current goal is to develop a breastfeeding consultation help line.
Your donations will help us reach more families through home visits, support groups and general awareness-raising activities. Our activities will result in higher numbers of babies receiving breast milk, necessary information and support will be accessible to new mothers when they most need it.

For example, a donation of 25 euros will enable a counsellor to visit one family in their home, the work of one support group costs 200 euros per month.

In 2016, the breastfeeding counsellors of the Birth and Breastfeeding Support Society helped over a thousand of babies who had trouble getting their mother’s milk. In addition to consultations and lectures, we have also launched a training programme for new counsellors, so that we should have 18 new counsellors by spring. The network of counsellors covers most of Estonia.

NGO Birth and Breastfeeding Support Society has trained breastfeeding counsellors since 1999 and given families opportunities to receive breastfeeding counselling in support groups as well as at home. The members of the society include 59 breastfeeding counsellors and support group lecturers who have completed UNICEF’s basic training for lactation consultants.

The organization is included on the list of income tax incentive organizations. Read more about taxes: Donating and taxes.
