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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 173 926 €
From donators 3 663 492 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 € Free mental health counselling! Free mental health counselling!

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
11 420.66 €
355 donations
15 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help? offers free online mental health counselling through the website The people in need can remain anonymous and the online functionality enables them to ask questions irrespective of their location. We welcome questions about any mental health issues – no concern is too small!

The waiting period for consulting a psychologist/psychiatrist can often be several months long. We respond to the first message within 3 days and will continue the exchange if the person wants it. Consequently, it is not a forum or a general questions/answers platform, but we offer a personal long-term counselling service through written messages.

Our counsellors are senior psychology students at the Tallinn and Tartu universities and they are supervised by professional psychologists. Our mission is to provide a high-quality counselling service. This can be achieved through coaching where a more experienced counsellor supports the counsellors and provides feedback and guidance on how to learn from experience.

Every donation helps us provide our counsellors with high-quality coaching, which helps the counsellors to raise the quality of support they provide.

  • A donation of €5 enables to publish one post with mental health information on its Facebook page; it would reach everyone who follows us on Facebook, plus at least 1,000 other Facebook users. We also share the post on our website.
  • A donation of €10 enables us to procure a few dozens of the information flyers providing mental health information.
  • A donation of €25 enables us to organise a public World Cafe event focusing on a specific mental health topic (such as stress, anxiety, motivation).

The organisation is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations (read more here).
