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Together we have raised
5 167 515 €
From donators 3 657 081 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
Union of Estonian MS Societies - Together we are stronger

Union of Estonian MS Societies - Together we are stronger

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
3 413.10 €
89 donations
17 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

Union of Estonian MS Societies has 400 members in 7 local societies all over Estonia. Our society has been created in 1990 by making it one of the oldest NGOs in Estonia.

Today, approximately one third of Estonian patients belong to our society.

Our society has four main fields. First our aim is to enhance the awareness of MS in the community as well as among MS patients themselves. For that we celebrate the International MS Day as well as give out knowledge based information and articles to inform different target groups about the diagnose. Secondly we support people with MS and their loved ones by organizing different events where people can come together and share experience and know-how in dealing with the diagnose. One of our biggest events is in the summer when almost 200 people all over Estonia come together, listen to different lectures and participate in workshops. We also take time to support our leaders, because our local NGO’s are all operating on a voluntary basis our leaders of local NGO’s need regular trainings and seminars to learn the best ways to lead a NGO. And we also co-operate on an international field. Our Union of Estonian MS Societies is the member of MS International Federation as well as European MS Platform. Our board members are participating in the communications group and youth group.

The organization is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations and the donors will get back the income tax paid from their donation and the donations made by companies are tax-free (Estonian Income Tax Act § 49). Read more about taxes: Donating and taxes.
