Good Deed Foundation: help ideas that create a big change in society grow
How does your donation help?Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?
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How does your donation help?
Any initiative that addresses a major societal problem is born from a small idea and needs an environment in which to grow and develop as well as people who believe in and support it. Your donation helps us work with initiatives that create positive change in society and have a high impact.
There are a number of painful issues in society that need attention. For example, mental health, parental skills, bullying or the loneliness of the elderly. It is important to spot these problems and bring innovative and efficient solutions to life.
The Good Deed Foundation is both a platform where initiatives that create social change can grow and a community of people who give momentum to the leaders of these initiatives – by getting involved, volunteering and supporting. In our 20 years of operation, we have launched many important initiatives and supported the growth and expansion of dozens of NGOs. These include Young Teachers to Schools, Bullying-free School, the Substitute Teachers Programme and the Re-use Centre.
Support the Good Deed Foundation to find effective solutions to pressing societal problems.
See also heategu.ee, facebook.com/heategu or our page at LinkedIn.
The organisation is included on the list of non-profit organisations eligible for income tax incentives. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.