Maarja Village: Help support mental health!
How does your donation help?Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?
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How does your donation help?
Maarja Village offers special care services to almost one hundred great people. The difficult times caused by the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine have lead to fear and concern across society. It was and still is difficult for people with special needs to understand why life has changed and how to cope with information that confuses them and makes them worry about their family and friends.
The money raised through the donation environment will go towards supporting the mental health of people with special needs through the provision of creative and therapeutic activities. We offer a range of activities to teach people to express, manage and overcome their feelings through music, art, alternative communication and verbal expression. Equal attention to physical and mental health is an important phrase.
If you feel that you too are struggling, come to Maarja Village!
Maarja Village offers opportunities for everyone to come and experience the healing power of the wonderful nature of Põlva County. Our boardwalks offer the chance to walk in nature for those with mobility difficulties, while gymnastics and brain teasers offer a change from simply enjoying the surroundings. You can take part in the KuMe (Art Exhibition in the Forest) exhibition and learn about medicinal and aromatic plants by walking through a labyrinth.
Maarja Village is included on the list of non-profit organisations eligible for income tax incentives. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.