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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 173 561 €
From donators 3 663 127 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
VENÜ: “We support orphaned children and the grandparents who raise them.”

VENÜ: “We support orphaned children and the grandparents who raise them.”

How does your donation help?

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Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
5 460.45 €
157 donations
30 000.00 €

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How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

The Orphan Support project of the Self-help and Advisory Centre for Senior Citizens (SACSC) holds an important place in the lives of children left without the care of their mothers and fathers and the grandparents who raise them. It is difficult for retired grandparents of orphaned children to develop their interests, but children yearn for new knowledge and experience, impressions and contacts. Currently, 18 families with 23 grandchildren and 22 grandparents receive support through the project.

The project offers unique support to grandparents by organising a range of activities, theatre and concert visits and excursions. We go sightseeing in Estonia, get to know family businesses and listen to their success stories. Our goal is to show children the many ways of coping in life and to reassure them that success comes with clear goals and determination and that all obstacles are surmountable and make you stronger.

Thanks to you, dear donors, it is possible to organise events and help guardianships that need help within the scope of the project. We have raised increasingly more funds year on year, so we have more opportunities to help activities to families that consider their interests and needs. We can see that our joint activities are helping to bond two very different generations.

The Self-Help and Advisory Centre for Senior Citizens (VENÜ) was founded in 1995 and it brings together entrepreneurial seniors. They have given a helping hand to themselves, their peers and younger people to make their everyday lives more joyful and meaningful together. All new active members are welcome to join us in Kadriorg.

  • If you support our project with €5, we can pay for the manual activity of one child (2.5-3 hours).
  • If you support our project with €25, we can pay a child’s hobby club membership for a month.

With a regular monthly donation of €10, you help secure a place in a camp for one child.

The organization is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations and the donors will get back the income tax paid from their donation and the donations made by companies are tax-free (Estonian Income Tax Act § 49). Read more about taxes: Donating and taxes.
